Teaching lawyers the skills they actually need
Lawyer education is primarily knowledge based, rather than skills based. Knowledge is obviously important - but it is easy to obtain. What really sets the best lawyers apart from the rest is not their knowledge. It is their skills.
Yet lawyers are poorly served when it comes to skills training. Conventional training teaches lawyers what to do, but not the range of skills needed to do it well.
Think about it. Lawyers often work in conflict. What skills have you been taught to handle yourself well in conflict? Clients ask lawyers to solve their problems. What range of tools have you learned for problem solving? The best lawyers create solutions. What techniques do you deploy to harness your creativity? And if your work involves a team, what training have you had in team dynamics and leadership, and what strategies have you been shown and practised to create a powerful team culture?
This mismatch between what lawyers are taught, and the skills they actually need, damages professional performance and undermines client service. It also impacts the wellbeing of lawyers, firms and their staff.
We want to put an end to this.
Our training offers you something far better. It focusses on four core areas: self-awareness, communication skills, relationships with others and problem-solving. Every piece of learning is grounded in the realities of legal practice. You will gain experience, tools and insights you can deploy to support yourself and your clients - and undermine your opponents. These tangible benefits will lay the foundation for sustainable growth, professional excellence and enhanced wellbeing. Fully resourced and skilled, you can take pleasure in your work and excel at it.
Interested in upskilling yourself or your firm? Get in touch for more information.